Conscious Leadership: Hooman Yazhari of Beyond Capital

There are more than 2 million companies in the U.S. alone that have at least five employees. That means there are 2 million CEOs in this country, and that you have a 1 in 50 chance of becoming one yourself!

Hooman Yazhari is the Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board at Beyond Capital Fund. He is a CEO with international experience and serves on several Boards including Bristow Group and Voyager Aviation. He focuses on change management through the life cycles of distressed companies undergoing transformation. Hooman was previously the CEO of Waypoint, a helicopter-leasing business, and served as General Counsel at CHC Helicopter, the world's largest helicopter operator. And he happens to be the husband of our co-host, Eva Yazhari!

"If a leader is only thinking 'what's in it for me,' that's not a sustainable way to lead," says Hooman. "Rather, if a leader thinks: how can I get the best out of this team of people? How can I help them succeed? Well then, the team works like a Swiss watch and the leader looks like an absolute genius."

Books mentioned: "Great by Choice" by Jim Collins, and "The Trillion Dollar Coach" by Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, Alan Eagle.

Read Hooman's article on Leadership in The Conscious Investor!

Eva YazhariLeadership